Equivalent fractions to percentages
Equivalent fractions to percentages


We would love to hear about the strategies you used as you played the game. Which pairs did you find more difficult to match? What strategies did you use to work out that two cards matched?

equivalent fractions to percentages

Once you've mastered Level 1, there are four more levels to try, getting progressively more difficult: In this case, both 80 and 100 are divisible by 10, so 80/100 would equal 8/10. Once you have your fraction of 100, you can then simplify it. For example, 80 is the same thing as the fraction 80/100. Play with a scoring system - you start with 100 points, lose 10 points whenever you turn over cards that don't match, and add 50 points whenever they do match. how do make percents into fractions ( 34 votes) Flag Tim Daugherty 4 years ago Hi Connor - I like to think of a 'percent' as a 'fraction of 100'.


  • Play with face-up cards - the cards are all face-up at the start so you can focus on the maths rather than the memory aspect of the game. Fraction to percent conversion Percent to fraction converter How to convert fraction to percent For example, in order to get a decimal fraction, 3/4 is expanded to 75/100 by multiplying the numerator by 25 and denominator by 25: Other method is to do long division of 3 divided by 4.
  • The game ends when all the cards have been matched in pairs.Ĭlick on the links below if you would like to try some alternative versions of the Level 1 game: Language: English School subject: Math Grade/level: 4. If the two cards do not match, they will return to being face-down. Name: Number Correct: Time Taken: Previous Score: Match the following decimal numbers. Then click on another one. If the two cards match, they will stay face-up. Ultimate Equivalent Fractions, Decimals and.

    equivalent fractions to percentages

    The aim of this game is to match pairs of cards.Ĭlick on a card in the interactivity below to turn it over. Next, we discuss how to convert fractions such as 3/5 to 6/10 using equivalent fractions. Both 0.75 and 75 represent 75/100 which is an equivalent fraction to 3/4. For instance, converting 4/10 to a percentage is easier than 3/5. Understanding equivalent fractions is critical to making sense of decimals and percentages. To write a fraction in the place value table we discuss the need for the denominator to be a power of ten. Otherwise, you can just print the first page. Converting a Fraction to a Percentage and Decimal. If you print double sided, then the cards will have an NRICH logo on the back. There are three sets - set A is the easiest and set C is the most difficult.

    equivalent fractions to percentages


    To download a printable version of this game, use the links below.

    Equivalent fractions to percentages